More-gana (Morgana vers 1, 2, 3, 4)


Set yourself up for a little pheno hunt with ten packs of the four available versions of Morgana from the rich and sultry version one with the original Rubyjack f2 father to the racy flying by the seat of your pants with no landing gear Black Soma Morgana with the Highland Thai x Kerala Coot’s Special male and the high yielding gassy smoky cherry Morgana prototype mom that I call Cherry Black Morgana.

With this four pack you’re looking at everything from the rich mouth coating sour cherry flavor of the Sour Morgana to the giggly uplifting laugh in a dentist’s chair highs of the whole line.

Morgana, Morgana V2 and Sour Morgana are all 60 day crosses while the Black Soma Morgana is a 70-72 day cross needing about another week and a half or so to finish.

Morgana and her versions have performed very well outdoors from Oregon to Michigan and beyond. Sour Morgana has arguably the best mite resistance but is susceptible to Powdery Mildew. If you do struggle with PM try the original and V2 of Morgana and of course dm me for recommendations to your IPM regimen.

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More-or-less-gana (Morgana 1, 2, 3, 4 five packs)
Dark Gauntlet
The Smaller Pack
Ménage à Gana
Baller Pack